Data Logging Solutions

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Addressing Damp and Mould: A Landlord's Responsibility

Understanding the Issue

Recent guidance clarifies that landlords are responsible for tackling damp and mould in their properties. It’s important to recognize that these problems are not simply the result of tenant lifestyle choices. Landlords must be proactive in identifying and resolving the root causes of damp and mould to ensure safe living conditions.

The Challenge of Damp and Mould

Damp and mould are prevalent issues in housing claims, often leading to financial implications for landlords, even if claims are ultimately dismissed. During inspections, it’s common for tenants to alter their living conditions to present a specific narrative.

For example, we once inspected a ground-floor flat where all windows were open, and heating was high. However, shortly after our visit, the tenant closed the windows and placed wet laundry on radiators, clearly attempting to mask the property’s true conditions.

Without solid evidence, landlords struggle to attribute damp issues to tenant behaviour, making it difficult for experts to conduct accurate assessments.

The Solution: Data Logging

The key to addressing these issues lies in data logging—affordable devices that continuously track temperature and humidity levels. By using data loggers, landlords can collect vital evidence that proves mould problems arise from inadequate heating or ventilation. This information can be compiled and verified by a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner, forming a robust evidence package.

Our Comprehensive Data Logging Service

Our data logging service offers more than just installation. We perform a detailed appraisal during the installation phase, including a thorough seven-point pre-installation inspection:

1. Testing Mechanical Extractor Fans: We evaluate the performance of mechanical extractor fans to ensure they operate efficiently.

2. Cleaning Impeded Devices: We clean any obstructed fans to guarantee optimal functionality.

3. Operational Checks: We confirm that all mechanical extractor fans are operational and switched on.

4. Inspecting Trickle Ventilation: We assess the condition of trickle ventilation in windows to ensure they are utilized, not blocked.

5. Discussing Heating Practices: We engage with occupants to understand their heating habits.

6. Identifying Areas of Concern: We document any damp areas—unrelated to condensation—that need attention, reporting back to the landlord.

7. Calibration of Data Loggers: Each data logger is calibrated before installation to ensure accurate readings.

Take Action Now

Don’t wait for tenant complaints to escalate into expensive housing claims. Follow the guidance of the Housing Ombudsman and take a proactive approach. By conducting a detailed appraisal and installing data loggers, you can effectively defend against claims and demonstrate your commitment to maintaining healthy living conditions in your properties. Equip yourself with the right evidence and protect your interests as a landlord.

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